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MTCLibraries Online

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Our Librarian is Mrs Tienie de Klerk.
She can be reached on +27120041215 or by email

MTCLibraries Online

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Our Librarian is Mrs Tienie de Klerk.
She can be reached on +27120041215 or by email

Re: velation : seeing Jesus, seeing self, standing firm /

Gale, Stanley D., 1953-

Re: velation : seeing Jesus, seeing self, standing firm / Revelation Velation Stanley D. Gale. - Grand Rapids : Reformation Heritage Books, c2021. - x, 134 pages ; 19 cm

"Examines the message of Revelation as a whole through the letters to the seven churches"--

9781601788290 1601788290 (paperback)


Bible.--Criticism, interpretation, etc.

BS2825.52 / .G34 2021


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