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Our Librarian is Mrs Tienie de Klerk.
She can be reached on +27120041215 or by email

MTCLibraries Online

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Our Librarian is Mrs Tienie de Klerk.
She can be reached on +27120041215 or by email

Mark /

McKenna, David L. 1929-

Mark / Preacher's commentary. Mark David L. McKenna; Lloyd J. Ogilvie, general editor - Nashville, Tennessee : Thomas Nelson Publishers, c1982 - 321 pages ; 23 cm - Preacher's commentary series ; 25 . - The Preacher's commentary series ; 25 .

"NT New Testament"--cover

Has bibliography: pages 319-321

"For those in the firing line - in pulpits, classes, Bible study groups, and fellowships, here is a distinctly different kind of commentary. The Preacher's commentary series combines rich resources of historical setting and textual interpretation with spiritual insights and contemporary illustrations..."--back cover

9780785248002 (softcover) 0785248005 (softcover)

Bible. Mark
Bible. New Testament

Bible. Mark--Commentaries



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