Life, by his death! : an easier-to-read and abridged version of the classic "The death of death in the death of Christ" by Dr. John Owen, 1616-1683
Owen, J.
Life, by his death! : an easier-to-read and abridged version of the classic "The death of death in the death of Christ" by Dr. John Owen, 1616-1683 - Ep Books 1992 - 87
Peter Naylor. Includes Indexes. Bibliography: P. 259-274.
0950547638 9780950547633
Soteriology; Puritan Literature
Life, by his death! : an easier-to-read and abridged version of the classic "The death of death in the death of Christ" by Dr. John Owen, 1616-1683 - Ep Books 1992 - 87
Peter Naylor. Includes Indexes. Bibliography: P. 259-274.
0950547638 9780950547633
Soteriology; Puritan Literature