Institutes of Elenctic Theology
Turrettini, Fran cois; Giger, George Musgrave; Dennison, James T.
Institutes of Elenctic Theology - P & R Publishing - 2311
V. 1. First Through Tenth Topics -- V. 2. Eleventh Through Seventeenth Topics -- V. 3. Eighteenth Through Twentieth Topics. By Francis Turretin ; Translated By George Musgrave Giger ; Edited By James T. Dennison, Jr. Translation Of: Institutio Theologiae Elencticae. Includes Bibliographical References And Indexes.
0875524524 9780875524528
Religion; Theology (systematic/docmatic,doctrine); RELIGION--Theology; Christian theology; Christianity
Institutes of Elenctic Theology - P & R Publishing - 2311
V. 1. First Through Tenth Topics -- V. 2. Eleventh Through Seventeenth Topics -- V. 3. Eighteenth Through Twentieth Topics. By Francis Turretin ; Translated By George Musgrave Giger ; Edited By James T. Dennison, Jr. Translation Of: Institutio Theologiae Elencticae. Includes Bibliographical References And Indexes.
0875524524 9780875524528
Religion; Theology (systematic/docmatic,doctrine); RELIGION--Theology; Christian theology; Christianity