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Our Librarian is Mrs Tienie de Klerk.
She can be reached on +27120041215 or by email

MTCLibraries Online

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Our Librarian is Mrs Tienie de Klerk.
She can be reached on +27120041215 or by email

Rewriting Your Broken Story The Power of an Eternal Perspective

Boa, Kenneth

Rewriting Your Broken Story The Power of an Eternal Perspective - Ivp Books 2016 - 216

0830844619 9780830844616

Christian spirituality & religious experience; Assertiveness, motivation & self-esteem; Christian life; Life - Religious aspects - Christianity; RELIGION--Christian Life--Spiritual Growth; Assertiveness, motivation, self-esteem & positive mental attitude; Future life - Christianity; Suffering - Religious aspects - Christianity; Personal religious testimony & popular inspirational works; Christianity: General; Personal Christian testimony & popular inspirational works; RELIGION--Christian Life--Inspirational; Eternity; SELF-HELP--Motivational & Inspirational; Christian life & practice; Storytelling - Religious aspects - Christianity; Religion


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